Welcome to a special Monday edition of the newsletter, everyone!
For you newbies out there, welcome to Outsider on the Inside. I hope this dispatch from in and around the nation’s capital on underreported topics finds you well.
If you’re just discovering my musings, here’s a backgrounder and make sure we’re connected on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
VIDEO: What is Proactive Forest Management?
My long-awaited report on forest management is FINALLY out and I’d love your feedback.
Across the nation—especially out West—poor policies, especially climate-centric ones that discourage proactive forest management, have invited high-intensity fires.
Preservationist environmentalists have been obstacles to achieving harmony with forests. Why? They admonish responsible management of forests, sue to prevent management, and shrug off prescribed burns.
In this video report from me and CFACT, you’ll learn about the steps states like PA and MT, largely driven by private actors, are taking to treat forests and promote conservation.
You’ll meet three individuals throughout our report: former Interior Secretary and return Member of Congress Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT), Mark Peck from Lincoln County, MT Port Authority, and Kenny Kane from Generations Forestry out of northwestern Pennsylvania.
Filmed by our videographer and my frequent collaborator, Madison Hughes. Send her kudos for a job well done and attend her upcoming concert in Jacksonville, Florida, on March 18th!
Watch our video below:
Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts and encourage your friends to subscribe to the newsletter too.